Welcome to CTRL+ART+HISTORY, where ASCII art captures moments that matter most to me. These events aren’t just history - they’re personal, etched in pixels and alive with meaning.

The Fall of a President

When Nixon resigned, the nation felt a strange mix of relief and unease. It wasn’t just the end of a presidency - it was a moment of reckoning, trust shattered, and history made.

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The Gas Lines of the 70s

The energy crisis brought frustration and uncertainty to the forefront. Long lines, empty pumps, and darkened streets turned convenience into caution, making scarcity a strange new normal.

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The Dawn of Personal Computing

The IBM PC arrived like a quiet revolution. It wasn’t flashy, but it changed everything, putting power and possibility on desks everywhere and sparking a digital era we’re still riding today.

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The Taste of Aid

Reagan’s “government cheese” was survival for some and stigma for others. It was a reminder of hard times, packed in a cardboard box, salty, dense, and as complex as the era itself.

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A Nation Paused

The Challenger disaster froze time. In one heart-stopping moment, wonder turned to grief. As smoke trails crossed the sky, hope faltered, leaving a nation to mourn and reflect in silence.

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Tragedy in the Sky

The Lockerbie bombing left shock and sorrow scattered across the Scottish countryside. Lives lost, families broken - it was a moment when grief spanned oceans and hearts weighed heavy worldwide.

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Breaking the Wall

When the Berlin Wall fell, the world held its breath, then cheered. Joy, relief, and disbelief swirled together as decades of division crumbled into dust and hope spilled across the streets.

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A Lens on Injustice

The Rodney King video exposed what many already knew but couldn’t prove. Watching it sparked anger, heartbreak, and a demand for answers, as the world saw brutality laid bare on tape.

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A Coast Stained Forever

The Exxon Valdez spill painted Alaska’s pristine waters black with oil and heartbreak. The images of slicked wildlife and ruined shores left a nation grappling with the true cost of negligence.

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Operation Desert Storm

The Gulf War played out like a live broadcast, missiles lighting up the night. It was quick, overwhelming, and left us questioning the new, hyper-connected reality of modern conflict.

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